You’re not just hosting an event; you are taking care of the details that make an event memorable. Let us help you with your next event by handling the parking needs of your guests. We can handle everything from small scale private events to large scale corporate grand openings.
Events services is where Open Door Valet is able to shine and separate ourselves from the competition. We use the most efficient technology to allow guests in large capacities to request their vehicle right from their phone; this allows valets to prepare their vehicle before the guests even leave the event. Our technology and operational stature create a true “Door to door” Experience for Guests with any needs.
Event Services
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Our Mission.
“Great Service, Everywhere; All The Time.”
Your guest’s experience doesn’t start when they walk in your front door, and doesn’t end when they exit. We make sure that every element of the beginning and end of their visit is up to your standards, and leave them wanting to return.